
WISA-Sprucefloor is an engineered plywood flooring panel with specifically designed T&G profile.

Información general Información sobre el producto

Información general

WISA-Sprucefloor is an engineered plywood flooring panel with specifically designed T&G profile. The panel’s excellent technical properties – strength, stability and light weight – make it a perfect flooring solution in house building, light industrial and commercial applications. Unique to the UK market, WISA-Sprucefloor panels come in specific sizes and are tongued and grooved on all four sides, making installation and use easy and effortless.


Fabricado en la UE
Tecnología Biobond
Fácil de instalar
Certificado de bajas emisiones
Resistente a la carga
Exterior encolado
Certificación forestal

Información sobre el producto

Grosores disponibles (mm)
18, 22
Tamaños estándar
2400 x 600 mm
Números de documento DoP