Introducing Mika Kekki – UPM Plywood’s Executive Vice President

Other news 15.9.2021 0:00 EEST



Mika Kekki will start as UPM Plywood’s Executive Vice President on October 1, 2021. In his previous position as Vice President, Production & Operations, Kekki has been responsible for UPM’s eight plywood mills and production related support functions. He has held several management positions in UPM and preceding companies since 1994.

“I have had the pleasure of working as part of this excellent team and contributing to building UPM Plywood for what it is today. I take on the new responsibility humbly but with a strong vision to further promote our position as the leading company in the industry,” Kekki says.

Kekki will be a member of UPM’s Group Executive Team and report to Jussi Pesonen, President and CEO.

He will succeed Mika Sillanpää who will retire at the age of 63 at the end of 2021.

“Mika Kekki's long experience in the industry, combined with strong business expertise, is extremely valuable for the future of UPM Plywood. I believe that Mika will become an excellent leader for the entire plywood team,” says Sillanpää.