A wooden house is sustainable, healthy, and cosy. House builders will find all the plywood for their construction needs in UPM Plywood's diverse range of WISA® plywood products.
The use of wood in construction is gaining more popularity due to its many benefits. As a climate-friendly building material, wood is second to none, and its natural beauty and feel are impossible to imitate. In addition, innovations further expand the use of wood.
UPM's WISA plywood has all the good properties of wood processed even further. Various features developed for different construction needs make it a versatile and efficient choice.
“For a house builder, the WISA plywood range offers functional solutions from frame structures to various outdoor and interior construction applications. WISA plywood panels are sustainable products that combine our extensive plywood expertise and deep insight into building construction. Customers can easily find all high-quality and compatible plywood products for their construction needs from the same manufacturer,” says Olli Wirén, End Use Manager at UPM Plywood.
WISA plywood makes home building and design easy
The versatile selection of WISA plywood includes various spruce and birch plywood panels with a wide range of sizes and several thicknesses. They are an ideal solution especially for load bearing applications such as walls, floors, and roof structures. Various surface quality options and surface treatments further expand the range of applications without compromising the excellent properties of plywood, such as strength, durability, and lightness.
The builder gets the most benefit by choosing the WISA plywood product specifically developed for his or her need.
“We offer designers and builders opportunities to make effective use of the specific features that are most important in each application. For example, the fire-retardant WISA-SpruceFR plywood makes it possible to meet the fire protection requirements with a single product instead of using multi-layered structures, even at demanding sites and applications,” explains Riku Härkönen, Product Manager at UPM Plywood.
The additional features of WISA plywood panels make both design and construction easier. WISA-SpruceWR's wood-based, water-repellent surface treatment makes construction more efficient as one does not need to rush to cover the panels in case the weather changes. For example, WISA-Sprucefloor for floors and WISA-Roof for roof structures are designed so that the panels are always installed correctly.
In addition to structures and facades, plywood is also ideal for interiors, where wooden surfaces create warmth and a natural atmosphere. Thanks to their unique visuality and dimensional accuracy, WISA plywood is also ideal for manufacturing furniture and various veneer and laminate products.
Safe for people and the environment
All WISA plywood is made from wood material sourced from sustainably managed northern forests. As it grows, wood sequesters carbon dioxide, which remains stored in the plywood processed from it throughout the product’s life cycle. Unlike fossil and artificial materials, wood is the only building material that renews in nature by itself.
“Wood is a climate-friendly alternative to the growing needs of construction. Our appreciation for wood shows also in the fact that the valuable raw material is transported from certified forests close to our factories and utilized as efficiently as possible in the WISA plywood production process,” says Olli Wirén.
In addition to the environmental impacts, indoor air quality and the prevention of building-related health problems are becoming increasingly important issues for home builders. Wood in indoor use stabilizes fluctuations of both humidity and temperature.
“WISA plywood is a safe material for healthy living. We ensure that the concentrations of additives and emissions, such as formaldehyde, never exceed even the strictest regulations and that WISA plywood panels are as safe by their properties to use as natural spruce and birch,” says Riku Härkönen.
All WISA plywood has an M1 emission rating for building materials. Third-party verified and internationally comparable Environmental Product Declarations are also available for WISA products. They allow designers and builders to compare the environmental impact of products throughout their life cycle.
Read more and get inspired by the versatile uses of WISA plywood on our campaign site:
Build your home with WISA plywood
Text: Janne Suokas