WISA-Duo is a mixed construction plywood for various end uses. The panel is a combination of birch and spruce veneers. Birch veneers make the panel strong while spruce veneers keep it light in weight. The birch face veneers give the panel an attractive and even surface which is suitable for e.g. painting.

WISA-Duo is suitable for construction usage. This meets the necessary EN standard and it is also CE marked.


Phenolic resin cross-bonded weather resistant gluing according to EN 314-2/class 3 Exterior. On request deliveries according to EPA/CARB. 

Surface and edges

Panels have clean sanded wooden surfaces.

Available surface qualities are S (II), BB (III) and WG (IV) according to EN 635-2, as well as WGE (improved WG) quality.

WG and WGE are for end uses where the technical properties of birch is needed, S and BB for end uses where a solid surface appearance is also required.

Panel size

The panels are available in all main standard sizes:
Size along surface grain direction 1220, 1250, 1500, 1525 mm
Size cross surface grain direction 2440, 2500, 3000, 3050 mm

Other sizes are available on request.

Thicknesses and technical properties


Other strength properties and thicknesses are available on request.

WISA-Duo is intended for use as a structural panel within the context of the Constructive Products Directive (CPD). It meets the requirement of EN13986 Wood Based Panels for use in Construction and is CE marked EN636-2 S accordingly.