The high quality, reliability and innovative functionalities of our WISA® plywood products and services benefit your project from start to finish and in between.

WISA® Plywood products – together with our professional services – enable you to improve the cost, material and energy efficiency of your project. By working hard to maximise the efficiency of our processes, innovate according to customer needs and minimise our environmental impact we provide you with unparalleled added value, quality and reliability.

To help you reach your sustainability targets we lead our industry in responsibility. WISA® plywood and veneer products are manufactured in Europe according to the strictest sustainability principles. By choosing WISA, you have the confidence that the plywood and veneer come only from legal, sustainable sources and conform to all relevant standards and regulations.

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The latest WISA Plywood case stories and news

Nature comes close in Onnelo made of WISA® plywood
Story | 09/12/2024 05:16:27 | 4 min

Nature comes close in Onnelo made of WISA® plywood

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Pekka’s 10+1 tips for plywood installation in interior design
Story | 09/10/2024 08:27:22 | 3 min

Pekka’s 10+1 tips for plywood installation in interior design

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Behind the scenes: Transparency brings added value to customers, believes Sustainability Manager Jaakko Paloheimo
Story | 09/06/2024 09:10:58 | 2 min

Behind the scenes: Transparency brings added value to customers, believes Sustainability Manager Jaakko Paloheimo

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Designer Tapio Anttila trusts in WISA® plywood
Story | 08/30/2024 09:30:38 | 3 min

Designer Tapio Anttila trusts in WISA® plywood

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